Not exclusively; are they enormously reasonable, giving protection from rays of the sun, they are an immensely multi-purpose fashion accessory, out there throughout a huge change of colors, styles and costs to satisfy each pocket. Sunglasses producing has become very profitable, on the other hand it is highly competitive business. Although some producers rise and decline in the general public fondness, there is one company that goes on to be eternally synonymous with the eyeglasses that protect our eyes from the rays of the sun.That is Ray-Ban.

Despite Us President, Benjamin Franklin, is commonly believed with developing eyeglasses, in fact the primary reading glasses were invented in Italy, as early as 1260. People kept being captivated by all things optical during the centuries that followed, afterwards, in the mid-eighteen, British scientist James Ayscough began to research tinted glass and the possibility that such technology could be used to raise vision impaired eyesight,.

He was successful in some degree. After 1929, the concept that glasses might filter the sun’s rays.It was given any serious consideration. During that period, U.S. optical company, Foster Grant, began to develop the idea more, later that same year, the first sunglasses were sold from a Woolworth’s store on the Atlantic Town boardwalk.

The U.S. Army Air Corps knew new technology may be advantageous to their pilots and they asked another well-known Yankee company, Bausch & Lomb, to develop eyeglasses that may protect the eyes from the apparent risks of the sun.
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