- As the waves or perms for fine hair do not stay long, most hair hairstylists suggest a rod to roller perm or transfer perm. The method involves wrapping hair in small rods, applying solution, leaving for some time and unwinding hair. The hair is then wrapped into a roller of specific size and further perming steps are done.

- Last but not the least, be thorough with the hair care tips that you are supposed to follow after perming. Like for instance; dry hair by retaining your head in an inverted position and always comb with a wide-toothed brush. Also, deep hair conditioning at regular intervals helps in reducing hair tangling.
which are specifically formulated for the hair type. Failure to do so, and the perming will take its toll on hair. In worst cases, you may need to cut the permed hair portion. Provided that you visit a reputable beauty salon and perming is done by a qualified hairstylist, the damaging effects of perms can be reduced to a certain extent.
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