The sun may be the
ultimate source of energy, but its difficult to deny the fact that
its rays are harmful too. In fact, 1/3 of all skin cancers appear
first on face as a result of inadequate protection against harmful
UVA rays and UVB rays emitted by sun. There are many sunscreens
available in the market today, that may provide protection against
sun burn up to an extent. But if you find sunscreen is providing your
face and neck little protection from the sun, then a sun hat is a
great choice for you.
I always said if there were a sequel to Breakfast at Tiffany's, we'd
find Holly Golightly sporting a hat on her wedding day. Since HG is
really that zanier side of Audrey Hepburn that surfaced in the 1960s,
she set
the trend for le chapeau as an item of chic rather than a required accessory. Summer is the time when every woman wants to show how beautiful and
fashionable she is. Not only clothes take part in forming the style.
Accessories are also very important; no style can be complete without a
trendy necklace, bracelets or other little details. As far as during
this season of the year you have to cover your head for you may get
sunstroke. A hat or a bonnet may become a perfect accessory to fulfill
your style and express character.

So brides of today are following her lead, wearing a hat to clinch a
whole bridal look while expressing a little panache . .Silk and tulle
fascinator and cabbage rose picture hat available through Amy-Jo Tatum
Bridal under Head Chic.The latest trend these days is a hat made of straws. What you must have
in your wardrobe is a black straw hat with wide edges and a rounded
vertex girded with a band. This kind of hat is definitely the most
fashionable this summer. Although black is very popular, you may choose
any other dark color that would fit better with your clothes. If you're
planning a trip to the beach where women commonly wear light dresses,
pick a white hat and you'll look perfect.
Another fashionable way to cover your head is a cap. Of course you have
to pick them very carefully and it definitely goes with sporty style or
jeans. Men should pick washed pigment-dyed caps. You don't have to buy a
new one and make it look as if it was used for 10 years, you'll
undoubtedly find those in any fashionable shop. While men are into
"dirty" style, women are suggested caps with flowers.
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