If you can't find a hat or a bonnet that fits to your style or your face shape, choose an original and very practical way to cover your head. Wear a turban. Yes, it's very original and fashionable. You may choose any material and tie it up any way you like. It goes perfectly with any style. Moreover, it creates a characterized style.
You have to find an originally designed one or make it yourself.
You can be sure that if it'll be self-made you'll receive compliments
not only for hat but also for your good work.
You have to be very careful while choosing a hat or a bonnet. However, this summer is a great chance to start wearing it, because no matter what you choose -
you look trendy. You're already fashionable if you
wear one! And you may feel free to experiment with various materials and
forms. Being original this season means being fashionable.
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